
Spaces in Time.

Today, we’re taking a look back at that hazy yet brilliant period of artistic fluorescence: the later 1960s. Specifically, we wanted to explore the phenomenon of Psychedelic Design – a style that nowadays get recycled often in commercial work, while it’s original history threatens to fade from collective memory. The history of psychedelic design is …

Stress Management.

“The soul becomes dyed with the colors of it’s thoughts” A simple activity takes us outside ourselves, like cutting the lawn, knitting or taking a Sunday drive can all be relaxing. Similarly a simple act such as coloring, takes your attention away from yourself and onto the present-moment event. Adult coloring can be a wonderful …

Vintage Graphics.

When you’re asked to give a design or image a ‘vintage’ look, what does that actually mean? Vintage encompasses a whole range of styles which span decades and design genres. Retro or vintage design refers to a broad range of graphic design styles which lifts influences and inspiration from different historical eras and retro style …

Style Guides.

A website is never done. Everyone has worked on a project that changed so much after it launched that they no longer wanted it in their portfolio. One was to help those who take over your projects is to produce a style guide. Great design is not democratic, it comes from great designers. If the …

Realistic Designs.

Our soul craves for good design. That’s why sometimes when you use a product you feel it is a great one. Why? because it is a reflection of who we are and what we need. Good design is a reflection of us. There was a time when everyone thought the world was flat. In recent …

A mobile friendly website

If your plans don’t include mobile, your plans are not finished! These words are so ingrained in internet history. Nevertheless, they’re wise words and by all account date to be long before most marketing and business luminaries were saying anything of the sort about mobile. Yet it was only few years ago that mobile web …

Color Palettes

Nurture your creativity! Please sit back and soak in all the gorgeous visuals I discover as I explore Print Design, Photography, Illustration and more. This rich resource reflects my true nature. I am color lover at heart. All color palettes are illustration based. Illustration covers a broad range of image-making, does have very distinct meanings …


The sky is like a monochromatic contemporary painting drawing me in it’s illusion of depth, pulling me up! The world can only appear monochromatic to those who persists in interpreting what they experience through the lens of a single culture paradigm their own. For those with the eyes to see and the heart to feel, …


“Those who cannot feel the littleness of great things in themselves are apt to overlook the greatness of little things in others.” This illuminates how our degree of humbleness is directly related to the way in which we show respect and appreciation for the accomplishments of others. In putting our own accomplishments into perspective. I …

The secret to creativity

“….. is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” The biggest misconception about creativity is that it involves a moment of magical creation when the incredible appears out of thin air. The truth is less romantic. Everything comes from somewhere. All ideas have been thought before by all artists. Everyone …