Vintage Graphics.

When you’re asked to give a design or image a ‘vintage’ look, what does that actually mean? Vintage encompasses a whole range of styles which span decades and design genres. Retro or vintage design refers to a broad range of graphic design styles which lifts influences and inspiration from different historical eras and retro style design from mid-century modern graphic design and 50s art styles to vintage 70s graphic design.

Everyone has an idea of what looks ‘old’ but when and where were born can influence your perspective. The way you perceive something as appearing ‘vintage’ or ‘old-fashioned’ is conditional by three factors – nostalgia, perception of age and visual style. These three factors combine to create a vintage design that looks in some way historical or retro. For example, a designer can use 50s design elements such as fonts and mid century illustration to give something a 50s art style on retro graphic design and combine this with aged texture to give the impression of ageing. Many contemporary brands have realized the power of tapping into nostalgic marketing for their products. Giving a product such as an item of clothing or advert, a stylistic reference to the target’s market’s nostalgic decade is a surefire way to increase sale.

Vintage and retro design elements are the sourced from a rich timeline of historical design styles. Today vintage design is not a purist, conservationist art form but should be considered as a way of paying tribute to our shared design heritage. If you’re thinking of working with vintage design, you’re in good company because you’ve got loads of inspiration around you. Incorporate subtle vintage bits into your contemporary work through font choices and imagery or design something that looks like it was actually made a hundred years ago. If you want to grab someone’s attention and hold it vintage design is a great reference. This makes it the perfect choice for flyers, posters and other advertising or marketing media.

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