A mobile friendly website

If your plans don’t include mobile, your plans are not finished!

These words are so ingrained in internet history. Nevertheless, they’re wise words and by all account date to be long before most marketing and business luminaries were saying anything of the sort about mobile. Yet it was only few years ago that mobile web browsing officially overlook desktop on a global scale. Evan as we begin to see the slow encroachment of other devices that could one day become dominant like wearable and smart speaker, mobile isn’t going anywhere for a good while – and we’re still finding new ways to tap into it’s powers for marketing.

It’s imperative that you have a mobile friendly website that correctly displays on mobile and hand-held devices such as your iPhone, Android or Blackberry as well as your iPads and tablets. I am sure you’ve stumbled upon a website that isn’t mobile-friendly before. You’re on the go, checking out a new restaurant’s menu before stopping in. You have tp pinch and zoom on each section of the website to read anything or even navigate the website. God forbid your fingers are any larger than a small child’s or you’ll end up tapping on the wrong link. Believe it or not, many smartphone users won”t even put in the effort to browse a website that isn’t formatted for mobile, this be the reason why now more than ever, businesses are focusing on creating delightful mobile website experiences. Developing a mobile-friendly website invests in a responsive designs. This is a website with a flexible layout that automatically rearranges itself to adjust to someone’s device and screen size. Making your website mobile-friendly is a worthwhile efforts and can push you ahead of your competitors. To help you determine the best approach to handle your mobile traffic, we’ll put together on best considerations you’ll need to bear in mind, along with our best practice guideline and other tips and tricks for every stage of the process.

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